If I Could ...

By C. Randall Waters on 3/15/2009 06:39:00 AM

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What would you do if you could do what ever you really wanted right now? What would you change or try to do differently? I have been asking myself this alot lately to try and really focus on what goals I have and how to work towards them. Here is the conclusion that I have come to. 

If I could do what I really want to do right now, it would be to go to grad school. I really have a strong desire to go back to school for my masters. The next question is a masters in what. I have gone back and forth on this and its down to two choices. First choice would be a masters in divinity. My second choice would be a masters in some type of counseling, like to be a high school counselor. So if this is what I really want to do then why don't I go do it. 

Well I have run into some problems. First problem is that I have no idea how I could pay for it. I took out more loans for my undergrad than I would have liked and I dont want to have to take out more for my masters. Then well my lets just say that my final gpa wasn't too wonderful. It was way better than I needed to graduate but still not good enough for the programs I'm interested in.

So where do I go from here is the next question. What do I have to do so I can do what I want to do? I don't know. I just felt like ranting a little. If you would of told me this is what my life would look like almost at age 25 back in high school. I would have laughed so hard at you. I guess thats life and how God works in his time and not my time.

1 comments for this post

I suppose that's pretty much the same for many of us.. 'If only we could'..

Posted on March 29, 2009 at 7:22 AM